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Первый официальный представитель STAHL CraneSystems в России

Крантележка Yale HTP/HTG. Грузоподъемность 0,5 т - 20 т (тонн).

Крантележка Yale HTP/HTG. Грузоподъемность от 0.5 тонн до 20 тонню The trolley enables the exact positioning or easytraversing of large loads with either manual or powered hoisting equipment. It has excellent rollingfeatures due to machined steel wheels mounted on prelubricated, encapsulated ball bearings. Adjustable to fit a wide range of beam widths andprofiles (e.g. INP, IPE and IPB). The trolley wheelsare designed for a max. beam profile incline of 14%. Adjustments are made by rotating the clevisload bar which also ensures the centred positioning of the hoist in the clevis - no creeping to the left or the right. Anti-tilt and wheel fracture support devices according to DIN 15018 and the machinery directives are standard.


  • Buffers can be fitted;
  • Locking device to secure the trolley in position onthe beam (park position e.g. on ships);
  • Rust and acid resistant hand chains.

Technical Data

Model Capacity Size Beam flange width b Max. flange thickness t Min. radius curve Effort at WLL Net weight in kg
HTP HTG* with locking device
kg mm mm m daN HTP HTG*
HTP/G 500 A B 50 - 220 160 - 300 25 40 0,90 3 8,0 10,6 9,7 12,6 14,5 17,1 16,2 19,1
HTP/G 1000 A B 50 - 220 160 - 300 25 40 0,90 6 9.0 12.0 11,2 14,1 17.0 20.0 19,2 22,1
HTP/G 2000 A B 66 - 220 160 - 300 25 40 1,15 7 16,0 19,3 18,0 21,3 24,0 27,3 26,0 29,3
HTP/G 3000 A B 74 - 220 160 - 300 25 40 1,40 7 32,0 35,8 35,4 39,2 41,2 45,0 44,6 48,4
HTP/G 5000 A B 90 - 220 180 - 300 25 40 1,80 9 48,0 52,2 51,8 56,0 58,5 62,7 62,3 66,5
HTG 10000 B 125 - 310 40 1,80 14 - 104,0 - -
HTG 20000 B 125 - 310 40 5,00 29 - 230,0 - -

Dimensions HTP/G in mm

Dimension A B A B A B A B A B B B
A 77,G 92,G B2,5 97,5 9B,5 113,5 114,G 129,G 132,5 147,5 276,G 27G,G
B - - - - - - - - - - 52 7G
D 16 16 17 17 22 22 26 26 33 33 3G 35
D1 25 25 3G 3G 4G 4G 4B 4B 6G 6G BG 11G
D2 3G 3G 35 35 47 47 5B 5B 7G 7G 114 155
F (HTG) 91,5 91,5 91,5 91,5 9G,5 9G,5 1G7,5 1G7,5 149,5 149,5 113,G 113,G
F1 46,G 46,G 46,G 46,G 46,G 46,G 46,G 46,G 45,5 45,5 - -
H1 3G,5 45,5 3G,5 45,5 3G,5 45,5 3G,G 45,G 3G,G 45,G 45,G 45,G
I (HTP) 71,5 71,5 71,5 71,5 95,5 95,5 131,G 131,G 142,5 142,5 - -
I (HTG) 76,5 76,5 76,5 76,5 9B,G 9B,G 132,5 132,5 14B,5 14B,5 17G,G 17G,G
L 26G 26G 26G 26G 31G 31G 39G 39G 45G 45G 43G B7G
L1 13G 13G 13G 13G 15G 15G 1BG 1BG 2G9 2G9 2GG 2GG
L2 - - - - - - - - - - - 115
O 6G 6G 6G 6G BG BG 112 112 125 125 15G 15G
P (HTG) 11G 11G 11G 11G 11G 11G 11G 11G 11G 11G 163 163
P1 16B 16B 16B 16B 16B 16B 16B 16B 16B 16B - -
P2 146,G 146,G 15G,G 15G,G 155,G 155,G 16G,G 16G,G 167,5 167,5 - -
T 146,G 1B7,G 15G,G 1B7,G 155,G 1B9,5 16G,G 191,5 167,5 191,5 27G,G 27G,G

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ООО «КранШталь»

Официальный представитель компании STAHL CraneSystems


Фактический адрес:

Россия, 109451,
г. Москва, ул. Верхние Поля, 28

т/ф +7 (495) 225-37-88 (мнг.)

т/ф +7 (495) 921-45-17 (мнг.)

т/ф +7 (495) 654-37-08

т/ф +7 (495) 654-96-38

т/ф +7 (495) 658-22-09


Юридический адрес:

Россия, 109451,
г. Москва, ул. Верхние Поля, 28

т/ф: +7 (495) 225-37-88

т/ф: +7 (495) 921-45-17 (мнг.)

e-mail: info@kranstahl.ru